Review: marantz nr1200

Conclusion of Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver

Thanks to the Marantz NR1200, music lovers have a way of continuing to listen to their music in higher quality and yet to enjoy a better sound when watching TV. The starting point for this device is first music, then film sound. And that is the reverse of a soundbar, a device that usually plays films and TV series well, but music is not so good.

The Marantz NR1200 is not overly expensive, although you still need a few stereo speakers (and maybe a few more stereo speakers subwoofer) to use it. But you do have a solution that is uncompromisingly good for music and film soundtracks. The slim design, the many streaming options and the wide range of inputs make the Marantz NR1200 extremely versatile, just like an AV receiver. As long as you do not strive for a real surrounder experience, this is the best of all worlds. 19659056] Slim and premium finish

  • Many HDMI inputs
  • AirPlay 2, HEOS
  • Powerful amplifier hatch

Да будет музыка!

Перед началом прослушивания был выбран режим Pure Direct — вариант, максимально исключающий влияния на звуковой тракт (еще есть обыкновенный режим Stereo и чуть более строгий — Direct). В Pure Direct, в частности, не работают регулировки тембра и баланса, выведенные на переднюю панель. Режим обозначается синим светодиодом на панели справа. С другой стороны панели есть индикатор противоположного режима M-DAX, компенсирующего недостатки компрессированного аудио. Забегая вперед, скажу, что испытания этого режима дали определенное улучшение — тем не менее, разница между MP3 и DSD остается, мягко говоря, весомой.

В условиях достаточно большого открытого пространства прослушивание NR1200 проходило на уровне 65 единиц по бортовому индикатору громкости, имеющему пределы от 0 до 98. Если говорить о качестве воспроизведения, аппарат оставляет весьма позитивные впечатления. Это фирменное звучание со сбалансированным и точным нижним диапазоном, кристальной верхней перкуссией и очень жизненным вокалом. Можно отметить, что наш стереосетап звучал очень эмоционально, выявляя множество ранее незамеченных нюансов в давно знакомых фонограммах.

Мне повезло послушать ресивер с разной акустикой — в том числе и с превосходящей используемый усилитель по допустимой мощности. И в последнем случае был соблазн услышать недостаток динамики на больших уровнях звукового давления, ведь «громкость в упор» приводит к определенному ухудшению качества (смысла, однако, такой вариант не имеет — прослушивание некомфортно).

Однако в итоге NR1200 оставил впечатление устройства, способного потянуть хороший динамический диапазон — система играла непринужденно и вполне естественно. Я ставил экстремальные фонограммы типа «меандровых» гитарных соло Billy Gibbons или синтезированного на компьютере звучания Царь-колокола (как если бы этот гигант был отремонтирован и висел на колокольне). Звучание системы без серьезного запаса на таких треках обычно «разваливается», усугубляя некомфортность звука, делая его неестественным и мертвым. Но NR1200 выдержал и этот краш-тест.

Возвращаясь к режимам Stereo, Direct и Pure Direct, отмечу, что последний вариант имеет реальные преимущества перед первым в прозрачности и чистоте звучания. Direct, естественно, находится между ними, хотя иногда кажется, что Direct и Pure Direct слишком близки по качеству — даже практически неотличимы.

Естественно, сравнение Hi-Res с битрейтом даже 24/96 продемонстрировало серьезные преимущества над стандартным вариантом «CD-разрешения». Здесь ощущается «породистость» оконечных усилителей модели, которые способны сохранить и передать мягкое, «бархатное» звучание, формируемое ЦАПом линейки New Generation от Asahi Kasei Microdevices Corporation. Здесь я признаюсь в своих субъективных пристрастиях, но звучание этих компонентов в сравнении с «одноклассниками» мне представляется наиболее живым, человечным и искренним.

Именно эти эпитеты хочется добавить и в описание саунда NR1200. Не стоит ждать от этого аппарата мониторности и бесстрастия. Он имеет собственный характер. Отстроившись слухом на звучании проверенного сетапа с удесятеренным ценником усилительного звена, понимаешь, что NR1200 многое меняет.

Причем делает он это мягко и неуловимо. В характере звучания женского вокала, в приподнятой отчетливости верхней перкуссии, в очертаниях нижней середины, в «мясе» и дыхании панча. Но до чего деликатно все это происходит! Аудиофилы-пуристы, возможно, и найдут поводы для критики. Что касается меня, то я внимательно прослушал «В пещере горного короля» Грига от начала и до конца, поймав себя на мысли, что инстинктивно оставил время на финальный поклон дирижера.

Еще один вариант подключения — по Bluetoooth — заставил прийти к выводу, что качество звучания файлов с CD-битрейтом, если сравнивать с USB, остается практически неизменным. Учитывая емкость памяти современных смартфонов, такой метод эксплуатации NR1200, наверное, будет востребован.

Simple setup

Marantz and Denon – both sharing the same software and interface – are the uncrowned kings of usability . For the AV receivers with surround support you will be taken by a setup assistant when setting up. Everything is explained step by step, from connecting cables to configuring your TV connection. With the less complex NR1200, that setup assistant may be less necessary, but it is still there. For people who really have nothing with audio equipment a godsend, because the explanation that shows on your TV is really clear. The only complaint is that the resolution is very low for viewing on a larger Ultra HD television. Certainly if you stream music and show the album art on your TV, as a projector owner or someone with a 65-inch Ultra HD screen, you will soon dream of a better view of that cover. But fair is fair: you can make this criticism on every current receiver of every brand. Now hope that in 2020 audio manufacturers will finally present their interfaces in 4K!

Also connecting to the home network is very smooth, especially if you have an Apple device at home. Then you can simply send the password of your Wi-Fi network to the Marantz receiver via the AirPlay function. Thirty seconds later, it is connected and you can stream. The internet connection is also practical for updates and to control the NR1200 via the HEOS app. You can also use the second app, Marantz AVR Remote (iOS and Android), to change settings, sound modes and inputs. But you can actually do most things via the HEOS app. With this stereo device you simply don't have the many sound modes that are available with the larger surround receivers.

Like the Denon DRA-800H, the Marantz NR1200 comes without an Audyssey room calibration system that comes with a microphone must adjust. We regret that. The manufacturer would say that this function is not necessary with a cheaper and simpler device. They are not entirely wrong, but still: even with a 2.1 set-up it is useful to check for bass problems caused by a room fashion and to correctly estimate the distances between speakers and listening position. You can set those distances manually. We would certainly recommend that, especially if you are also going to use a subwoofer. With a sub it is also best to take the time to coordinate the volumes well. Fortunately, that is easily done via the Marantz app or via the remote and the TV interface. What we still dream of? A slightly higher version of the NR1200 that comes with room correction.

Marantz NR1200: voice assistants

The Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver is compatible with the Alexa Google Assistant and Siri voice assistants. As a result, it is possible to control music playback vocally by pairing the receiver with a smart speaker featuring one of these three assistants. We decided to pair it with an Amazon Echo Dot speaker. Configuration is then quickly carried out via the Alexa app for iOS and Android. In this app, you simply have to install the Heos skill for the receiver to be automatically detected. It is then possible to rename it, add it to a group of speakers and indicate which room it is in.

The Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver can be easily paired with a speaker featuring Amazon Alexa using the Alexa mobile app.

Marantz NR1200: AirPlay 2 and Bluetooth

This Marantz receiver is compatible with the AirPlay 2 protocol to easily transmit music and audio streams from any app (Youtube, music services, video games, etc.) running on an iPhone, iPod or Mac. To do this, simply choose the Marantz NR1200 receiver as the playback device in the menu of the iDevice. The receiver is then automatically activated when streaming starts. The AirPlay protocol can also be used to add the Marantz NR1200 receiver to a group of AirPlay 2 multi-room speakers.

The Marantz NR1200 receiver uses the AirPlay 2 protocol to stream music and so that it can be added to a compatible multi-room group.

The Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver also features a Bluetooth module to stream music from any smartphone, tablet or computer without having to connect to the local network. This Bluetooth controller is only compatible with the SBC and AAC codecs. Consequently, it isn't the most appropriate method to obtain the best streaming quality. 

Marantz NR1200: configuration

The initial setup of the Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver was very easy. A context menu guided us throughout the entire process. It is possible to carry out this configuration directly via the display on the front of the receiver, but it is preferable to use the TV in order to access all of the information.

The first step of the Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver's configuration starts by selecting the language.

After selecting the language, the setup assistant guided us through each step in connecting the speakers, subwoofer and different audio and video sources, as well as assigning the different inputs.

A context menu guided us through the entire setup process for the Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver.

If the Marantz NR1200 isn't connected to the internet via ethernet, it is necessary to connect it to the local WiFi network in order to enjoy its many network features. For owners of an iOS device, the connection is greatly simplified. You simply need to go into the WiFi settings of your iDevice and select the “Marantz NR1200” so that it is automatically connected to your WiFi network. For those who use Android or any other operating system, you must manually enter the WiFi password using the Marantz receiver's remote control.

Connecting the Marantz NR1200 receiver to the WiFi network is especially simple for iOS users.

Once the receiver is connected, you are invited to create a Heos account or to log in if you already have one. If you already have an account and the Heos app is installed on your smartphone, this step is automatically skipped as the receiver is immediately visible in the app.

A screenshot of the Heos app used to control the Marantz NR1200.

Once the configuration is finished, the receiver is immediately operational. However, Marantz hasn't integrated the automatic microphone speaker calibration, as is the case with its A/V receivers. It is therefore preferable to measure the distance between the speakers and the listening area manually to correct the default measurements. To do this, you have to go into “Setup”, then “Speakers” and lastly “Distances”.

It is preferable to measure the distance between the speakers and the listening area manually to correct the Marantz NR1200's default measurements.

HDMI inputs and output

The Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver's true strength lies in the addition of HDMI inputs, allowing users to enjoy both a restitution and high quality stereo sound for movie soundtracks. In fact, the only other device to provide a similar solution is the Denon DRA-800H stereo network receiver. On the back of the NR1200 there are no less than five inputs and an HDMI output, all of which are compatible with UHD 4K video signals up to 60Hz, 4:4:4 Pure Color subsampling, HDR, HDR10 and HLG content, as well as 3D content (pass-through). The HDMI output is ARC compatible, which means that it is possible to play sound from a TV. It is important to note, however, that the Marantz NR1200 receiver isn't compatible with Dolby and DTS audio formats. Consequently, it is necessary to switch the TV or player's audio output to PCM stereo.

The Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver features five HDMI inputs and one HDMI output, all of which are compatible with UHD 4K video up to 60Hz, 4:4:4 Pure Color subsampling, HDR, HDR10 and HLG content, as well as 3D content (pass-through).

Всё, что хотелось бы послушать

Подключившись по кабелю к сети с выходом в интернет, мы тут же отыскали интернет-радио. Станции подкачиваются с базы данных TuneIn, а на штатном пульте под это выделена специальная кнопка. NR1200 также поддерживает голосовое управление Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant и Apple Siri — на выбор, хотя и с оглядкой на региональные особенности. Естественно, доступны стриминги со Spotify, Pandora, TuneIn, Deezer и множество других сервисов через Bluetooth со смартфона, AirPlay 2 или встроенное приложение HEOS.

Heos позволил отыскать сетевой NAS и тут же запустить воспроизведение первого попавшегося FLAC-файла. Еще немного покопавшись на диске, отыскали файл DSF и… да, все заработало! Так и должно быть: модель декодирует ALAC-, FLAC- и WAV-файлы с битрейтом вплоть до 24 бит/192 кГц, а также дорожки DSD 2,8 МГц и 5,6 МГц. Причем для тестирования звука гораздо проще использовать USB-порт справа на передней панели. Для него установлена максимальная иерархия: восемь уровней, 500 папок, 5 000 файлов. На первое время должно хватить. А вот воспроизведение видео в NR1200 не задокументировано.

В каждом из двух каналов устройства установлен двойной ЦАП AK4458. Для улучшения работы аудиотракта сетевой трансформатор постарались механически развязать с шасси. Что касается питания: в NR1200 установлены специально разработанные фирменные конденсаторы. Встроенный дискретный усилитель мощности, по данным изготовителя, выдает 2 по 75 Вт на восьмиомную акустику при 0,08% искажений. А на 6 Ом и при одном проценте он способен отдать все 135 Вт. Кстати, оконечники получили симметричную топологию с центральным распределением питания.

Marantz NR1200: compared to…

Denon DRA-800H: This Denon stereo network receiver is really the only model that provides the same solution as the NR1200. Sold for €649, it also features five UHD 4K HDR HDMI inputs, an ARC output and the same streaming options. The sound restitution of both these receivers is also very similar. However, the Denon model is slightly more precise when restituting voices. They are more efficiently centered during movie soundtracks. Other than that, both receivers provide a dynamic and responsive sound. When it comes to output power, the Denon DRA-800H is slightly superior: 100 watts compared to 75 watts for the Marantz NR1200. Therefore, it is better suited for driving demanding speakers. However, the NR1200 is the winner when it comes to size and integration as it is half as high and, consequently, can be more easily concealed in an audio/video cabinet or placed next to the television. 

The Denon DRA-800H stereo network receiver is really the only model that provides the same solution as the NR1200. However, it is twice as high.

Marantz M-CR612: These two receivers have a lot in common, especially the network connectivity, Hi-Res playback (FLAC and DSD), AirPlay 2, Heos compatibility and all of the associated online music services. The Marantz M-CR612 provides a slightly more precise sound restitution and tends to go further in revealing the minute details of HD recordings. Nonetheless, the Marantz NR1200 comes out on top in this comparison thanks to its HDMI connectors which make it more flexible. 

NAD M10: With a price tag that is almost five times higher, this NAD amplifier clearly isn't in the same league. Consequently, it has the upper hand in many aspects, especially when it comes to musicality. It is more precise, smoother and more nuanced. Its superior output power allows it to power very demanding speakers. On the whole, the connectivity features are very similar. Still, given its price, the Marantz NR1200 is an excellent alternative. It even proves to be more flexible with its wider range of connectors and many HDMI inputs.

Marantz NR1200: audio streaming

Boasting both WiFi and Ethernet connectivity, the Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver can access a large number of online music services such as Deezer, Spotify, Amazon Music and Tidal, among others. It is also possible to play music shared over the local network via DLNA by using the Heos app for Android and iOS. These files are read and converted by two 32-bit AK4458 DACs (one per channel). This model has been previously used by Marantz in the Marantz SR-6014 A/V receiver, but also by Denon in the DRA-800H stereo network receiver and even Onkyo in its high-end A/V receiver, the Onkyo PR-RZ5100. This DAC expertly handles most audio formats, including WAV and FLAC up to 24-bit/192kHz, as well as 2.8 and 5.6MHz DSD files. Another of the NR1200's advantages is that FLAC, WAV, ALAC and DSD files are all played in gapless mode. This means that playback is continuous and there are no gaps in between tracks. It is also possible to play high resolution audio files via a USB flash drive or an external hard drive connected to the USB-A input on the front panel.

The Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver can play music via its USB input or over the local network.

Multiroom possible

Via HEOS and AirPlay 2 you can connect the Marantz NR1200 with other speakers and devices. You have the most functionality via the HEOS app, in which compatible HEOS devices (including wireless HEOS speakers) appear and can be operated. HEOS allows you, for example, to play the plate that plays through the connected turntable on HEOS speakers in the dining room. You can also transfer the TV sound to another room. The only limitation is that audio streams that are not supplied in stereo (for example from a Blu-ray disc) cannot be forwarded to other HEOS speakers.

Via Airplay 2 you can also connect the Marantz with other speakers, even from other brands. . The limitation here is that you can only send audio from an app on your iPad or iPhone to multiple speakers; the record player that hangs on the NR1200 cannot be heard on another AirPlay 2.

The NR1200 also comes with an analog Zone 2 output. You can use that to provide a second amplifier with its own speakers (for example a compact device that controls ceiling speakers in the kitchen) with music. There are also pre-outs for the primary zone, for those who want to use the NR1200 purely for HDMI functionality and, for example, want to use a more expensive amplifier for controlling your speakers. Not an everyday scenario this, but there may still be people who can keep their old but better hi-fi equipment.

Marantz NR1200: conclusion

With this slimline, next-gen stereo receiver, Marantz provides a practical and functional solution for centralizing all of the audio and video sources in your living room. Its five UHD 4K compatible HDMI inputs are ideal for connecting a 4K Blu-ray player, several games consoles and a TV set-top box, whose image can be streamed without being altered. It is a good option for those looking for an A/V receiver who don't want to install five (or more) speakers in their living room and who are happy with a stereo restitution. In this type of installation, the Marantz NR1200 proves to be more musical than similarly priced A/V receivers.

What we liked:

  • The dynamics
  • The many HDMI inputs
  • The simple setup
  • How slim it is

What we would have liked:

  • Microphone calibration
  • For it to have been compatible with Qobuz


In addition to its HDMI inputs and output, the Marantz NR1200 stereo receiver also features all of the necessary connectors to make it a true stereo hi-fi amplifier. There are four RCA inputs, including one phono input compatible with MM cartridges. Two digital outputs (optical and coaxial) are also available to enjoy the performance of the integrated DAC. In addition, there is a dual pre-amplified subwoofer output so that you may add one or two subwoofers to accompany compact or small floorstanding speakers and enjoy a more dynamic sound and improve immersion. Finally, the double speaker terminals make bi-wiring possible and allow you to drive two pairs of speakers. Selecting the A, B, or A+B speaker pairs is done using a switch on the front of the receiver.

In addition to the video connectors, the Marantz NR1200 features four RCA inputs, including one phono input, two digital inputs and a dual subwoofer output.

Marantz NR1200 stereo AV receiver

What if you are looking for an interior-friendly way to improve get sound from your television – but are not particularly impressed by sound bars ? A number of interesting alternatives have recently emerged that marry traditional hi-fi values ​​with the skill of a TV-oriented device. But without making it complex. You hear it, the new NR1200 from Marantz is not an everyday AV receiver, but slightly different: a stereo receiver with HDMI connectivity that costs 700 euros.

Like the Denon DRA-800H that we viewed earlier, it is made for everyone who would like to connect all (video) sources to one device but who is not really interested in a living room filled with 7, 9 or more speakers. No, there is no surround from this device, but there is two-channel stereo. That is an ideal starting point for reproducing music much better than an average soundbar that often has difficulty setting up a large soundstage. The two speakers required for the Marantz NR1200 can also be supplemented with a subwoofer for a 2.1 setup. That immediately makes films more impressive and allows you to opt for more compact bookshelf speakers that usually suffer from anemia when it comes to bassing.

The biggest difference with the aforementioned Denon? The NR1200, which costs 699 euros, is a much slimmer device, barely 11 cm high, made to fit very discreetly into your TV furniture. In short, on paper this is a very exciting device for anyone who wants to listen to music as it should – in stereo! – and still want to enjoy the many plus points of an AV receiver, such as streaming options and HDMI functionality.

Marantz NR1200: the brand

Marantz's story began in the early 1940s when Saul Bernard Marantz created his first amplifiers to listen to his record collection. In the early 50s, he developed a phono preamp that was revolutionary for the time, as it integrated the equalization curves of different record labels. This model was such a huge success with his audiophile friends that he decided to found the Marantz company in 1953. Marantz then produced his first phono preamp, the Model 1, the Model 2 power amplifier (1956) and the Model 7 stereo preamp (1958) which was a reference high-end audiophile preamplifier for many years.

The Model 1 phono preamp was the first device sold by Marantz.

Marantz was acquired by Superscope in 1964 who decided to focus on producing more affordable products and considered moving production to Japan, with the creation of Marantz Japan in 1975. The partnership with Japan was marked by the arrival of engineer Ken Ishiwata at Marantz Europe in 1978. A true icon in the audiophile world, he produced some of Marantz's most prestigious products, labeled SE and KI since the 2000s.

Marantz is now an important player in the development of hi-fi and home theater equipment, with products for the general public, as well as prestigious electronics lauded by demanding audiophiles. The company's catalogue includes the Marantz PM-6006 hi-fi amp and the Marantz CD-6006 CD player, both affordable and very musical, but also high-end hi-fi amplifiers and A/V receivers such as the Marantz PM-10 and the Marantz SR-8012.

Marantz has always known how to adapt to current trends and public demand. This is how the company was one of the first to provide powerful network audio players such as the Marantz NA-6006. Once again, Marantz has displayed this adaptability with the Marantz NR1200, a versatile and connected model that centralizes both audio and video sources.

The Marantz NR1200 is a versatile and connected model that centralizes both audio and video sources.

Also for your record player

A device that presents itself as a perfect solution for the music lover must have sufficient inputs. That is the case with the NR1200, especially at the analogue level. There are three analogue cinch pairs that you can assign and rename as good Marantz, and a dedicated phono input. Your turntable is therefore more than welcome. On a digital level, the offer is rather limited: one coaxial input, one optical.

But who goes for a slim device and a modest number of speakers may not want any of those additional devices. You do not necessarily need that CD player or turntable, because the NR1200 has a whole range of built-in options for listening to music. To begin with, it is a real receiver, equipped with an FM and a DAB + tuner. Given that in the foreseeable future analogue radio broadcasts will be extinguished in Europe, the presence of DAB + will be a must from this year onwards. Thanks to HEOS, the NR1200 has a range of streaming options, which can be operated via the austere but robust HEOS app (iOS and Android). In this app you can easily play your own music files over the network or from a USB stick that you plug into the USB port on the front. The app also allows you to play music from Deezer, Tidal and Soundcloud. That is only a modest range of streaming services, but luckily there are other ways through which you can enjoy your playlists and favorite albums via Spotify or Apple Music. Let me just mention that the HEOS app also gives access to TuneIn, with which you can consume online radio stations. Almost all Dutch and Belgian channels can also be selected this way, which is handy if you don't feel like installing the antennas needed to listen via FM or DAB +.

No sense in HEOS? Then there is AirPlay 2 which is especially useful if you have an iPad or iPhone at home. Thanks to AirPlay you can play the sound of all possible apps through the speakers connected to the Marantz. And because every streaming service does have an iOS app, there are actually no restrictions on how you can listen. Do you not have an iPad but an Android device? Then Spotify Connect is handy. The NR1200 automatically appears in the Spotify app as an available speaker, so you can send your playlists to the Marantz with one tap. Bluetooth is also there, as a backup option for streaming. Because Bluetooth does not sound as good, we would recommend working via HEOS, Spotify Connect or AirPlay. For the techies: the NR1200 is also DLNA compatible. With the appropriate app you can also play your own files or even certain streaming services via this route. The BubbleUPnP app also lets you stream Qobuz or Play Music to the Marantz app, for example.

But we don't always find DLNA as reliable. For example, via BubbleUPnP on our Huawei P30 Pro, streaming sometimes fails because a powersaving function is activated on the phone. It can all be solved, but compared to the other streaming options, DLNA is a bit more hassle.

Marantz NR1200: listening impressions


First of all, we tested the Marantz NR1200's performance with movie soundtracks. To do this, we connected it to the Pioneer UDP-LX500 UHD 4K Blu-ray player using a Norstone Jura HDMI cable. The Marantz receiver's HDMI output was connected to the LG OLED television using an Audioquest Cinnamon HDMI cable. For this listening session, we used the Elipson Prestige Facet 8B compact speakers that were connected using a Viard Audio Silver HD12 HP cable. On the Mad Max: Fury Road UHD 4K HDR Blu-ray, the different lateral effects were well restituted. The soundstage was wide and very dynamic. The lows were deep and powerful during the explosions. It is important to note that we connected a REL Acoustics T-9i subwoofer to bring more substance to the sound. Lastly, the voices were natural and stood out very well from the background, even when there was a host of sound effects coming from every direction.


We continued our test of the Marantz NR1200 with a hi-fi listening session, this time with the Hans Zimmer: Live in Prague Blu-ray. During the Pirates of the Carribean score, the orchestra created a truly magnificent soundstage. The sound was epic and, once again, the NR1200 revealed its dynamic character.

On the Hans Zimmer: Live in Prague Blu-ray, the restitution provided by the Marantz NR1200 proved to be epic and very dynamic.

We continued this listening session by playing music via Spotify Connect. Despite the compression, the restitution was pleasant. However, we noticed an obvious improvement when playing 24-bit/96kHz and 24-bit/192kHz files shared over the local network. The sound was more accurate and detailed. The lows were deeper, the highs softer and the soundstage more spacious. It is also important to note that the Marantz NR1200's “Pure Direct” mode provides a further improvement by offering more extension and nuance.

Listening to 24-bit/96kHz and 24-bit/192kHz files provides deeper lows, softer highs and a more spacious soundstage.

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