Fender announces 10 new and refreshed affordable squier affinity series guitar and bass models

Приобретение CBS

Приобретение Fender компанией CBS в 65-ом году имело серьезные последствия для качества производимых инструментов. После поглощения компания Фендер претерпела несколько крупных реорганизаций, в результате чего специализированные звукооператоры постепенно были заменены экономистами.

Следовательно, продукты до поглощения CBS («pre-CBS») считаются более ценными, чем продукты после поглощения. В 1985 году компания вернулась к персоналу самой компании и качество немного восстановилось.

Гитары, которые сделаны сегодня, однако, все еще отличаются от старых гитар, потому что у старых гитар также были недостатки. Эти недостатки ценятся музыкантами, которые ищут подлинный «старый звук». Аналогично это относится и к старым усилителям.

Становление бренда Squier

Компания Squier стала собственностью Fender еще в 60-х, но долгое время бренд не развивался. Первые гитары Squier by Fender были представлены публике только в 1982 году. Такое решение было принято руководством Fender для того, чтобы конкурировать с дешевыми гитарами из Японии, которые копировали известные Stratocasters и Telecasters.

Бренд Squier создали для того, чтобы потеснить конкурентов в этом сегменте рынка.

После длительных переговоров японские фирмы, производящие копии, уступили долю рынка Squier. Производство наладили на мощностях японской фирмы FujiGen и сразу же ориентировали Squier в качестве единственного официального производителя ремейков Fender. Далее японские гитары Squier производились в компании Ibanez.

Первыми сериями стали Squier JV и SQ, состоящими из реплик Stratocaster 1957 и 1962, модели Precision Bass, Telecaster 1952, а также 1962 Jazz Bass и других. Так и появилась известная сегодня во всем мире электрогитара Squier: Squier Jazz Bass, Squier Telecaster и т.д.

Squier Stratocaster JV Series 1982

Уменьшение затрат на производство в Японии позволило в то время снизить цену сравнительно с оригиналами от Fender, но качество продукции японского подразделения оставалось на высоте, так как в гитарах Squier было много оригинальных комплектующих Fender. Компания даже импортировала гитары Squier из Японии в США.

Гитара Squier Jazz Bass

Squier FAQs

The above information should give you a good idea on which type of Squier might be right for you. Check out the below questions and answers for more advice on Squier guitars and how you can get the most out of one.

Where are Squier by Fender guitars made?

Over the years Squier guitars have been made in many different countries such as Japan, Korea, Mexico, India, China, Indonesia, and the US. Today, Squier guitars are made in Asian countries such as China, Korea, and Indonesia.

Check the back of the guitar's headstock to find out where it was made as shown in the below photo:

What is the best Squier guitar from best to worst?

The best Squier guitar is the one that fits your needs as a guitarist and your budget. For some guitarists, that will be a Bullet. For other guitarists, it might be an Affinity or a Contemporary.

If you wanted to rank the Squier guitars based on quality from best to worst, the order might be: Contemporary, Affinity, then Bullet. The price of the guitars is a good indicator of the quality.

Are Fender and Squier parts interchangeable?

Most parts will be interchangeable between a Fender and a Squier. Pickups and electronics are generally easily interchangeable between electric guitars. This means if you want to upgrade your Squier's pickups to a higher-end Fender pickup (such as their excellent noiseless pickups), it's pretty straightforward.

When it comes to guitar necks, it's hard to say whether they will be interchangeable. There are small differences in necks across Squier and Fender guitars which may or may not allow you to interchange them. The width of the neck pocket, the shape of the neck joint, and a few other factors make it unlikely you will find a neck with a perfect fit.

While it is possible to perfectly fit a Fender neck into a Squier body, the chances are pretty low.

How to make a Squier Strat sound better?

There are many things you can do to make your Squier Strat sound better. The most effective way is to upgrade the pickups as they have the biggest impact on your tone. The lower the price your guitar was, the cheaper the pickups will be. Changing those cheap pickups with higher quality pickups will massively improve your tone.

A good example of a set of pickups that would be a big improvement in a Squier would be to get a set of Fender's Noiseless Pickups. These pickups keep the unique characteristics of single-coil pickups while removing hum and noise. If you find your pickups noisy and hum too much, they're worth considering.

Find out how to upgrade your guitar's pickups in this guide with step-by-step instructions and photos of every step.

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Squier Stratocaster

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Product Name Squier Stratocaster

Is Squier The Same As Fender?

There's often some confusion among guitarists over what Squier is and how it compares to Fender. Is a Squier strat really a Fender? When you see “Squier by Fender” printed on the guitar's headstock, what does that mean?

While it doesn't really matter if a Squier is really a Fender or not, it's important to know the differences between the two brands. It's important to look past brand names and take a look at what really matters.

Squier is owned by Fender, so technically a Squier is a Fender guitar. But that is like saying the drink Fanta is the same as Coke because the Fanta brand is owned by Coca-Cola. Just because Fanta is owned by Coca-Cola, it doesn't mean it's the same thing as a Coke. It would be ridiculous to think they're the same.

It's the same with Squier and Fender. Just because the Squier brand is owned by Fender, it does not mean a Squier is a Fender guitar. While a Squier strat may look the same as a Fender strat, they're not the same in many ways. While that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it is important to know that they're not the same.

The major difference between a Squier Strat and a Fender Strat is one is made in the US or Mexico (Fender), while the other is made in Asia (Squier). This means different people and factories make the two brands' guitars. There are different levels of quality control between countries and different standards.

The other major difference used to be the quality of parts and price of the guitars. The difference between a Fender Stratocaster and a Squier used to be obvious as soon as you looked at the price tag. Today the lines are blurred.

In general, Squiers cost less than Fenders and use lower quality parts. But there are some Squiers that cost more than a Fender, and some Fenders use lower quality parts than some Squiers. Squier has really improved in quality over the last decade and it's now quite common to find a Squier that plays just as well as a Fender, if not better in some cases.

Some guitarists see Squier guitars as a “licensed copy” and a way for Fender to compete against all the other Stratocaster copies you see with weird brand names. That's mainly why you see the name Fender on a Squier's headstock. It's not really a Fender, but it's more of a Fender than the countless copies out there.

In the above photo, you can see how similar a Squier looks to a Fender. If you ask most guitarists which one they think will be the more expensive guitar, most people would say the Fender. But in the above example, both of these models cost exactly the same. The blurred lines between Fender and Squier make comparing the options confusing.

Whether you want to think of a Squier as a Fender or not is up to you. Guitar brands are tricky and licensed versions of brand names makes things confusing. The main lesson to take away from the Squier vs Fender issue is that a brand name is a piece of marketing. Find a guitar that suits you and don't worry about the name on the headstock.

After you read through this guide, I suggest comparing the different Squier models to the Fender models in similar price ranges. This will help you decide whether the difference between Fender and Squier is important to you or not.

In this review, I will look at the main three types of Squier Strats you can buy, how they compare against each other, and which one might be right for you.

Дальнейшее развитие Squier

Производство гитар Squier позже перенесли из Японии в другие страны для последующего снижения расходов. Можно встретить инструменты Squier, произведенные в США, Мексике, Китае, Индии, Южной Корее, Индонезии. Сквайры производят из различных пород дерева, начиная от элитных и заканчивая самыми бюджетными. Американские Squier производились всего несколько месяцев по причине пожара на мексиканской фабрике, что делает Squier, произведенный в США, довольно редким коллекционным экземпляром.

Стоит отметить, что окончание производства гитар серии Squier JV, многие из которых сегодня считаются культовыми, стало той отправной точкой, когда компания Fender снизила контроль качества продукции Squier. Корпус гитар из нижнего ценового сегмента больше не изготавливали из ольхи, заменяя дерево на дешевую липу или тополь. Гитары Squier все еще звучали неплохо с перегрузом, но стали сильно отдаляться по своему качеству сборки и узнаваемости звука от Fender.

С годами качество гитар Squier продолжало падать, лады быстро приходили в негодность, система «тремоло» не могла обеспечить инструменту надежной фиксации строя в процессе игры, музыкантам приходилось самостоятельно менять звукосниматели, экранировать гитары и устанавливать отдельные компоненты лучшего качества.

Is the Squier Affinity Stratocaster Right for You?

With some many Stratocaster options, as well as comparable alternatives from other companies, the choices can be overwhelming. 

As a major Stratocaster and love of the guitar (I have a Stratocaster tattoo on my arm), I have no problem acknowledging that this is a good, sound replication of the original Stratocaster. 

I would recommend this to one of my students that would want a Stratocaster, but would only use it for hobby purposes, and to learn and play the basics.

If they planned to use it in a band, I would recommend the Fender Player or higher, due to quality and consistency, which affects reliability. 

If playing this guitar in a band was a must, I would recommend having all soldering connections checked at the very least. I also recommend replacing the tuners, the volume and tone pots, and possibly the pickups – in that order, depending on their playing style. 

Squier Bullet Stratocaster Review

The Squier Bullet is the cheapest series available across the Squier and Fender brands. I've had many students over the years come to me with a Squier Bullet in their hands. They were designed for beginners as a first guitar.

The Bullet is commonly sold in a starter kit at an incredibly low price. This is often a good choice for parents thinking about buying a first guitar for their child.

While the general advice is to buy the best quality guitar you can afford, this is often a better choice for parents who aren't sure whether their child will stick with guitar or not. Buying a Squier Bullet and a small practice amp is a small risk for parents compared to buying an expensive guitar that may not be used in six months' time.

The big difference between the Bullet and the Affinity is the quality of the materials used. The Bullet uses a Basswood body and ceramic pickups. These materials help reduce the cost of producing the guitar and keep the price down.

The tremolo on the Bullet is more for looks than anything else. Low price guitars like the Bullet struggle with tuning stability and one press of the tremolo system is often enough to put the entire guitar out of tune. A beginner isn't likely to be using a tremolo, so this isn't much of a concern for somebody just starting out.

Squier Bullet Cons

  • Low-quality parts and inconsistent build quality
  • Tuning stability issues

Check out the current price and options for the Squier Bullet Stratocaster here (Amazon). See the current Squier Bullet Stratocaster options at Sweetwater here.

While the above points may sound negative, it's important to remember that some people don't need a high-quality guitar. A 7-year-old who is taking guitar lessons for the first time doesn't need a $500+ guitar. He just needs something with six strings that works.

If you're on a tight budget and are interested in learning guitar, the Squier Bullet might be worth checking out. If you have some experience learning guitar, you may prefer spending the extra money for a Squier Affinity.

Эволюция Squier

Сентябрь 2007 года вдохнул в Squier новую жизнь. Компания Fender на заводах в Китае и других странах провела ряд значительных изменений. Качество гитар заметно улучшилось благодаря автоматизации и полному контролю всех стадий производства. Вероятность брака снизилась до минимальной отметки, а итоговая стоимость гитар осталась на конкурентном уровне.

Гитары Squier имеют несколько популярных серий электрогитар и бас гитар: Squier Affinity, Bullet, Deluxe, Hello Kitty, OBEY Graphics, Vintage Modified, Classic Vibe и т.д. Среди продуктов известного бренда имеется серия Signature, состоящая из подписных гитар, разработанных в сотрудничестве с именитыми музыкантами. Очень востребованными остаются гитары, которых нет в списке продукции Fender. Такие инструменты создавались и разрабатывались для производства исключительно под именем Squier, что заслуженно делает их уникальными.

Squier Affinity Telecaster

Не так давно Fender совместно с Apple выпустила электрогитару Squier by Fender USB Stratocaster Guitar, которая совместима с iPad, iPhone и ПК на Mac OS X. Гитара имеет USB-порт, аналоговый разъем и выход на наушники. Инструмент работает с программами GarageBand для iOS и OS X, тем самым делая обучение игре на гитаре и запись партий простыми и доступными.

The Verdict

This Affinity Strat is perfect if you're a beginner, a hobby player that has a limited budget, or a working musician that wants a backup guitar. I can't think of a better recommendation for getting the classic Strat tone, feel and look. 

You can easily upgrade this if you want, in an endless amount of ways. So this is a great guitar to start with, and upgrade and you grow in your guitar journey. For more serious players or people who are looking for the best of the best, you might want to consider spending a little more upfront for a real Fender Stratocaster. You can check out my full review of the Fender Player Stratocaster here.

I hope you enjoyed this in-depth Squier Affinity Stratocaster Review.

Good Luck!

Squier Affinity Stratocaster vs Fender Stratocaster

Squier is owned by Fender and produces affordable versions of their guitars that are manufactured overseas.

So, naturally, it makes sense to compare the budget Squier Affinity Stratocaster to a real Fender Stratocaster to see if the copy can hold it's own.

You can check out this video for a full blind test comparison between different versions of the Stratocaster by Squier and Fender. I think you'll be surprised once you hear how good the Squier sounds despite costing a fraction of what the American Fender costs.


To cut down on costs, Fender Squier guitars are made in a few countries including China, Korea, Indonesia, Japan, and Mexico. The Fender Player Series guitars are made in Mexico and Fender American guitars are made in the USA.

The Fender Player and Fender American Standard have not only a higher level of quality but are very consistent. The Squire guitars can be hit or miss at times due to quality control issues in factories overseas.

While overseas manufacturers have vastly improved over the past few years, you still may run into some problems here and there.You get what you pay for, and quality and consistency come at a cost. 


As far as features, this Affinity Strat has the same features as an American Standard, so you're not missing out on anything in this aspect. 

The pickups, pickup selector options, volume and tone controls, and design are all pretty much the same. 

The main difference is quality, consistency, and attention to detail. 

Sound Comparison

The Affinity Stratocaster has a tone that is undoubtedly classic Strat. You will notice a difference in quality and consistency of tone. 

You'll also see a big difference in the way each guitar handles loud volumes and higher gain/distortion/overdrive settings. The Fenders will handle these noticeably better. 


Although it doesn't feel unstable or substandard in any way, the Affinity feels lighter and less “tight” than the Fender. This is partially due to quality control and attention to detail, and somewhat due to having budget (but good) components in the Affinity to save you money. 


Squier has its Affinity Stratocaster priced at $199. I believe this is a fair price for the guitar, still a great value, and for a great product. Fender Player Stratocaster is priced at $699. That upgrade gives you better quality, better pickups, and a better-sounding and feeling guitar all around. 

The Fender American Standard is priced at $1,099. You're now paying for top of the lines parts and components, exceptional attention to detail, and for a road-worthy, professional guitar. 

Types of Squier Stratocasters

In the past, buying a Squier was straightforward. They were seen as a lower-cost alternative to a Fender Stratocaster and all you had to do was pick a color you liked.

Today, there are a few different Squier series to pick from:

  • Squier Bullet: this is the lowest-cost series by Squier and is designed as a no-thrills entry-level guitar
  • Squier Affinity: this is a popular series thanks to better quality parts than the Bullet at a reasonable price
  • Squier Contemporary: this series moves away from the traditional strat configuration to access different tones and music styles

There have been plenty of other models over the years by Squier, such as the Squier Standard series and the Squier Classic Vibe series. In this review, I will focus on the above three series as they're the most common series I've seen guitarists use.

Most guitarists who are interested in a Squier Stratocaster will find one that suits their needs in one of these series.


For the most part, the basic design and features of the Stratocaster have remained very close to how the first ones were first produced. The dual-cutaway body, the signature headstock, the three-pickup layout – all very true to the original. 

Design-wise, this Affinity Stratocaster is nearly-identical to all other Squier and Fender Stratocasters. I feel this classic design can fit into almost any genre of music and has been used extensively in Rock, Blues, Country, Indie, Pop, R&B and even Metal (with replacement pickups). 

A great benefit with Stratocasters is how much you can customize them. A quick Google search will give you many options for replacement parts. The most common parts people will customize their Stratocaster with are: pickups, string tuners, and pickguards. 

I've owned various Stratocasters over the years, including this Affinity Stratocaster. I can tell you that this is a true Stratocaster in every way, although there are some differences between models.


Although there are some “rough edges” on this guitar to a point, it is very playable. Like any guitar, the more time you put into playing it, the more playable it gets. 

The more you play this guitar, the smoother the frets feel and the more enjoyable it is to play. 

This is truly a guitar that will grow with you. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. 

This guitar does feel like a Stratocaster, but the fit and finish is not as good as a higher-end version. After playing Strats and teaching guitars for many years, I will tell you that this guitar will not hinder you from learning or from playing. 

This guitar, when played often and maintained, will last for many, many years of playing. 


Бюджетный бренд Fender — Squier. Модели Squier похожи на модели Fender. Линейка продуктов также имеет большое сходство, например, названия моделей (Stratocaster, Precision, Telecaster, Jazz Bass и т. д.).

Существует ряд различий, включая электронику и выбор более дешевых пород дерева. Цена ниже из-за использования более дешевых компонентов и производства в странах с низкой заработной платой.

В 1982 году началось производство моделей Squier на японской компании FujiGen. Первой линией Squier была серия JV (Japanese Vintage), затем серия SQ и серия E. Однако качество первых японских инструментов под названием Squier (до середины восьмидесятых годов), казалось, соответствовало качеству американских моделей Fender того времени, когда они продавали Fender за менее чем за треть цены.

Таким образом, Squier непреднамеренно стал конкурентом Fender. Тогда Squier были намеренно собраны хуже. И производство было перенесено в Южную Корею, а затем в Китай и Индонезию. Ранние Squier по-прежнему очень популярны среди коллекционеров и музыкантов и поэтому на вторичном рынке намного дороже, чем новые Squier.

Сделай репост:



Your basic Stratocaster, whether classic or modern in styling, has the same electronic layout. This Affinity Strat is no different. 

You have three single-coil pickups: one slanted pickup at the bridge, one pickup in the middle, and one at the neck. All three have different tones that can be more suited to different styles of guitar. 

Compared to the Standard Stratocaster, the electronics on this Affinity Stratocaster are noticeable lower in volume, while adding more noise into your tone. 

Using mid-gain with this guitar can be noisy. High gain ends up being unusable unless you decided to replace the pickups with something that can handle high gain. 


Here are the specifications of the Squier Affinity Stratocaster as listed on the official Fender website.

  • Body Material: Alder
  • Body Finish: Polyurethane
  • Neck Material: Maple
  • Neck Finish: Satin Urethane
  • Neck Shape: “C” Shape
  • Neck Scale Length: 25.5” (648 mm)
  • Fingerboard Material: Indian Laurel
  • Fingerboard Radius: 9.5” (241 mm)
  • Number of Frets: 21
  • Fret Size: Medium Jumbo
  • Nut Material: Synthetic Bone
  • Nut Width: 1.6” (40.6 mm)
  • Position Inlays: White Pearloid Dot
  • Truss Rod: Standard
  • Bridge Pickup: Standard Single-Coil Strat
  • Middle Pickup: Standard Single-Coil Strat
  • Neck Pickup: Standard Single-Coil Strat
  • Controls: 5-Position Blade: Position 1. Bridge Pickup, Position 2. Bridge and Middle Pickup, Position 3. Middle Pickup, Position 4. Middle and Neck Pickup, Position 5. Neck Pickup
  • Configuration: SSS
  • Bridge: 6-saddle vintage-style synchronized tremolo
  • Hardware Finish: Chrome
  • Tuning Machines: Standard die-cast
  • Pickguard: 3-ply white
  • Control Knobs: White plastic
  • Switch Tip: White
  • Neck Plate: 4-bolt standard
  • Strings: Fender USA 250L Nickel-Plated Steel (.009-.042 gauge)

There is no gig bag, guitar case or other accessories included. 


Основатель компании Лео Фендер начал свою карьеру в качестве сборщика усилителей. Затем он делал легкие в изготовлении лэп-стил гитары, которые с точки зрения формы уже имели что-то вроде Telecaster. Свою первую моделью электрогитары он назвал Squire.

Эта модель была доступна как с «синглом», так и с «хамбакером». Последняя версия быстро получила название Broadcaster. После того, как Gretsch обвинил Fender в нарушении прав на товарный знак, поскольку он уже выпустил серию ударных установок под названием Broadkaster, название было изменено на Telecaster.

В 1946 году компания получила новое название — Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company.

В 50-х Fender разработал одну из первых электрических басовых-гитар, Precision Bass. Позже последовал джаз-бас. Фэндер также представил электрическую скрипку с твердым корпусом в 50-х годах, но она была снята с производства через несколько лет из-за отсутствия популярности.

В 65 году Лео Фендер продаёт компанию CBS. И компания снова изменила своё название, на этот раз на Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. В 85-ом году компания попала в руки собственного персонала компании, где компания получила текущее название Fender Musical Instruments Corporation.

Компания музыкальных инструментов Fender приобрела Kaman Music Company в 2008 году. В числе прочих ей принадлежат гитарные бренды Ovation и Hamer, а также усилители Genz-Benz.

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